YIT Corporation is responsible for the processing of personal data at group level for the purposes and on the legal basis set out in this policy, for example marketing and sales at group level; procurement, financial and other administration and corporate governance; Customer and supplier relationship management; and analysis and development of products, services, customer and supplier relationships and businesses. The data will not be disclosed to other external parties, unless this is necessary to comply with the legal or contractual obligations of the controller. Each company of the YIT Group is responsible for the processing of personal data for its own purposes on the legal basis established in this Policy, for example for the execution of a contract or the management of the customer or supplier relationship. For these purposes, it may process personal data collected for the same purposes by other Group companies. You can also contact our local service points in any country where YIT operates: data subjects have the right to prohibit the use of the data for direct marketing, telemarketing and other forms of direct marketing, as well as the use of the data for questionnaires and market research. Olet kiinnostunut yhtiömme liiketoiminnasta laaja-alaisesti ja olet valmis työskentelemään kaikkien liiketoimintasegmenttiemme oikeudellisten kysymysten parissa, mukaan lukien asuntotuotannon ja urakoinnin juridiikka. Only master data and marketing data as defined above are processed for direct marketing purposes to contact persons of interested parties or former customers. According to the CEO`s contract, the current CEO has a notice period of 6 months. If the company terminates the contract, the CEO is entitled to severance pay of 12 months` salary. born in 1967, Ph.D. Engineering Geology, Senior Lecturer (Adj. Professor) of Rock Engineering / Engineering Geology at the Technical University of Tampere Data subjects may also revoke the consents given, oppose or limit the processing of their data in the cases established by law, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, Member of the Board of Directors The notice period for members of the group`s management team is 6 to 12 months. Certain members of the Executive Committee are also contractually entitled to a six-month severance package if the company terminates their contract. Me YIT:llä luotamme osaajiimme. Successes cannot be achieved without committed and motivated employees, which is why we invest in the well-being of the work community on a daily basis. We offer you the support and development opportunities of a big house. As a result of your work, you will be able to leave your mark on how future-proof cities work. Together we build a better everyday life. Nordic Property News Plus vous donne accès à du matériel d`information exclusif qui n`est disponible nulle part ailleurs. Restez à jour et obtenez un avantage avec le service Plus de Nordic Property News. We expect you to have an LL.M.
degree. You have already accumulated a few years of experience as a lawyer (e.g. in a law firm or a construction company) in various real estate development projects, fixed transactions, real estate law contracts and/or general construction law in general. Access to personal data is only allowed to persons who need to process data in connection with their employment or other tasks. Digital data is protected by firewalls, passwords and other technical means. All data is stored in secure locked premises with physical access control. The Data Controller processes the personal data of the contact persons of its current and former business customers, suppliers and potential business partners. The following categories of personal data are processed for the purposes described above: Personal data is not regularly transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. However, if a transfer outside the EU or EEA is necessary, the Controller must ensure that the country to which the data is transferred is recognised by the European Commission or uses standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission as having an adequate level of data protection. The Executive Committee`s pension plan is defined contribution and the amount of the payment is 20% of the fixed annual base salary. Members of the Group`s management team have the right to retire at the age of 63. The supplemental pension plan does not apply to interim members of the Executive Committee.
Compensation is based on a fixed salary, in which most Group employees are included in a short-term performance bonus program. The Board of Directors annually confirms the criteria for the payment of performance-related bonuses. The premiums paid are determined on the basis of the achievement of the Group`s personal objectives, financial performance and the achievement of profitability, growth and development objectives. Discussions on performance and development are an essential part of the key results management system. During these discussions, employees and their superiors agree on the key objectives and their relative weighting and verify that the previously agreed objectives have been achieved. The achievement of key objectives is regularly monitored by the Executive Committee. The main principles and objectives for the profit and loss period that affect personal performance bonuses are defined at the division and unit level. YIT Corporation: Interim President and CEO, 2020-2021; Head of Housing Finland and CEE, 2015–YIT Construction Ltd: Head of Apartment Houses Unit in the Metropolitan Area, 2008–2014Head of Business Unit, Asuintalot Uusimaa, 2008 Head of Development Contracts, Metropolitan Apartment Building Area, 2006–2008Production Manager, Metropolitan Apartment Building Area, 2002–2006, Worked for YIT Construction Ltd since 1994 Anna Duunivahdin hakea töitÄ puolestasi ja keskity sinÄ Johonkin kivempaan. YIT Group`s management team is the highest operational decision-making body and is responsible for allocating resources to business units. The Executive Committee is also responsible for evaluating the evolution of the sectors of activity. The controller may outsource ICT, marketing, communication and other functions to third-party suppliers, suppliers or other subcontractors.
In this case, the Data Controller may transfer personal data to these subcontractors to the extent necessary for the provision of their services. These processors process personal data on behalf of the Controller and must comply with the instructions of the Controller and this Privacy Policy. The controller ensures, by contractual measures, that personal data are processed in accordance with the law.