Legal rape occurs when an adult has sexual intercourse with a person who has not reached the legal age of consent. It is a crime even if the minor has fully consented because people under a certain age are considered too immature to have sex. In Wisconsin, the official age of consent is 16. However, this can be misleading, as sexual contact between an adult and a sixteen-year-old is still illegal, although it is not punished as severely. Although the age of consent is fixed, specific laws in Wisconsin provide exceptions if the perpetrator is close to the victim. Other laws rely on the fact that marriage is involved to mitigate penalties. And while these laws work similarly to Romeo and Juliet`s laws on the accused, they are not as broad. In the United States, the age of consent is between 16 and 18 years. Wisconsin is one of only 11 states where the age of consent is 18. In the rest of the United States, the age of consent is 16 or 17.
In Wisconsin, the age of consent is 18. This means that if you have sex with a minor 17 or younger, it is considered legal rape, which is a Class A offense. Wisconsin law considers that people under the age of 18 are too young to have the opportunity to give informed consent to sexual acts. The inability of this age group to provide appropriate consent is contained in Wisconsin laws, which explain the reasons for the existence of the term “legal rape.” If you are under 18 and have sex, you are considered a victim under Wisconsin law. If you have sex with someone under the age of consent, you will face at least one offence. All other charges of sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a minor will result in a criminal offence. A charge of sexual assault of any kind is a serious charge and a resulting conviction will undoubtedly damage your reputation. Lawyers at J. Kippa Law, LLC understand the fear of being charged with a crime. Our approach is to take an in-depth look at our clients` side and create an action plan that achieves the best possible results. Call 920-733-1100 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
The Romeo and Juliet laws were designed to reduce penalties related to legal rape laws. Specifically, these laws focus on teens who voluntarily engage in sexual acts with someone older than them. Interpretations vary from state to state, but they all serve the same general purpose. Under no circumstances do these laws reduce penalties for sexual charges involving lack of consent, violence, or extreme age differences. If you have been accused of legal rape, you will need expert legal advice to protect your rights. Contact Hart Powell, SC, a Milwaukee rape attorney, at (414) 271-9595. Unfortunately, Wisconsin law does not include a Romeo and Juliet provision for people accused of child sexual abuse. Instead, the age of consent in Wisconsin is set at 18. Romeo and Juliet laws generally do not make sexual activity with teenagers legal. Instead, they exist to prevent the abuser from having to register as a sex offender. These laws only apply if there is a small age difference between the two parties. For example, in no state does a Romeo and Juliet law make it legal for a 30-year-old to have sex with a 15-year-old.
But in many examples, the law allows an 18-year-old and a 16-year-old to engage in the relationship. Since there is no “Romeo and Juliet Act” in Wisconsin, it is possible that two people under the age of 18 who voluntarily have sex could both be prosecuted for rape, although this is rare. Similarly, no protection is reserved for sexual relations when one participant is 17 years of age and the second 18 or 19 years of age. While these requirements may seem simple, the final requirement is potentially problematic. Some judges might simply say that not all defendants meet this requirement. In other words, the public must be protected from all accused in cases of sexual crimes. In Wisconsin law, legal rape is considered a form of sexual assault. It is divided into different fees depending on certain factors, such as.dem age of the minor concerned. These fees are as follows: This law is simple.
It focuses on accused persons aged 19 or older and victims aged 16 or older. This charge is a Class A offence punishable by up to 9 months in prison. In addition, there is no registration requirement for sex offenders. Finally, although marriage does not generally exclude prosecution, it is clear that a person cannot be prosecuted under this article if he or she is married to the victim. The Wisconsin government severely punishes rape. The penalties when a person is convicted are as follows: A sexual assault charge is a scary situation, and you`re probably wondering what to do next. While there are many important steps you need to take, the first is to hire a high-level sexual assault advocate. You will meet some of these lawyers at Van Severen Law Office, S.C. And most importantly, all of our defense attorneys offer free consultations.
In this free consultation, we will sit down together and determine how exactly we should start advocating for your case. We discuss the charges you face and how you can attack them. You have the opportunity to ask questions of the lawyer and find out if we are a good match. There is no Romeo and Juliet law in Wisconsin.